Dongle reverse engineering
Hasp dongles
by Zafer/BSCA
(03 September 1997, slightly edited by Fravia)
(Part C added 19 Oct 1997)
Courtesy of Fravia's page of reverse engineering
Well, it was about time that somebody explained the vagaries of dongle reverse engineering... (even if, for now, this tutorial looks more like a technical
specification of the various hasp-dongle services :(
Important stuff, as you wil see. Anyway I must confess that I never used a program with a dongle, and all I knew (before reading these essays) was that you had to intercept the I/O calls to
the dongle parallel port, or, more precisely, fake the return codes... well, as you'll
see reading this very good tutorial by Zafer, one never ends learning!
This tutorial is under development, Zafer has promised to send
the remaining parts asap... (dear readers, you are the first in the
world to surf onto such stuff :-)
A tutorial on dongles reverse engineering
by Zafer, September 1997
A) introduction to HASP.
B) let's do it (dos).
C) let's do it (Win).
D) tips & tricks.
These essay series only covers hasp dongle protection (anyway, i didn't see
too many applications using something other than hasp or sentinel)... sentinel
dongles are also an important topic that we must take care of.
ok. lets start learning some facts about the hasp family
# HASP-3
Cheapest hasp dongle.
# MemoHASP
There are two different memohasp's.. memohasp-1 which has 112 bytes read/write memory and
memohasp-4 which has 496 bytes read/write memory (496 bytes.. argghh)
NetHASP is infact memohasp-4 and by connecting only one hasp to a network station, you can
run it from all stations.. (limited users) It has 496 bytes read/write memory
# TimeHASP
These dongles contains internal realtime clock. There are two different timehasp's
timehasp has 16 bytes read/write memory, timehasp-4 has 512 bytes read/write memory
# 36 series
HASP 36pin (centronics) versions of HASP.
# HASPCard
It allows you to put dongle(s) inside the computer..
note: HASP dongles uses d0-d7, init, atfdxt, pe lines ("#36 series" uses d0-d7, busy)
0 Hasp Protection Methods
0.1 Hasp Envelope
This is just a envelope applied to the executable files..
0.1.1 HASP Error Level Codes
1 Hasp not found
2 Illegal HASP
3 Program is modified
4 No Authorization
5 Out of runtimes
6 No answer from NetHasp Licence Manager (Nethasp only)
7 Too many users (Nethasp only)
8 Runtime expired (TimeHasp only)
0.2 API
The api (obj or dll) program can check for the presence (or absence) of
the dongle and respond as you wish. And you can gain moreover access to the
dongle's memory.
0.2.1 Resident hasp driver
It's a tsr which provides the same hasp services as the API.
"haspres" is the program. the default interrupt is int 63h, but it can
be loaded as "haspres xx" where xx is the int #.
1. Hands on API
Hasp (Service, SeedCode/IdleTime, LptNum/ProgNum, Password1, Password2, Par1, Par2, Par3, Par4)
usage for asm:
call: bh=service
es=buffer segment (for functions Read/WriteBlock, Set* ; ax=buffer offset)
return: ax=Par1
1.1 Service
Service Name Operation
1 IsHasp Checks if a Hasp is connected
returns Par1 0 no hasp
1 HASP of any type
2 HaspCode Gets the return codes for a given seed code.
returns Par1/2/3/4 Return Code1/2/3/4
3 ReadWord Reads 1 word from MemoHasp
returns Par2 1 word
Par3 Status (read Status below)
4 WriteWord Writes 1 word to MemoHasp
returns Par3 Status (read Status below)
5 HaspStatus Checks the type of Hasp
Checks which port its connected to.
Checks to memory size.
returns Par1 1 MemoHasp-1
4 MemoHasp-4
0 Other Types
Par2 0 HASP-3
1 MemoHasp-1/MemoHasp-4
3 TimeHasp
5 TimeHasp-4
Par3 Paralel port #
6 HaspID Gets Hasp ID #
returns Par1 Low word of ID #
Par2 High word of ID #
Par3 Status (read Status below)
40 LastStatus Checks the status of the last call to NetHasp
returns Par1 NetStatus
0 last call was successful
otherwise its status (read Status below)
Par2 SystemError (a context-dependent errorcode)
41 HaspCode Get the return codes for a given seed code. (NetHasp)
call SeedCode SeedCode (0-65535)
ProgNum Number assigned to the application in NetHasp
Password1 First NetHASP password
Password2 Second NetHASP password
returns Par1/2/3/4 Return Code 1/2/3/4
42 Login Requests permission from NetHasp Licence Manager
call SeedCode SeedCode (0-65535)
ProgNum Number assigned to the application in NetHasp
Password1 First NetHASP password
Password2 Second NetHASP password
returns Par1/2/3/4 Return Code 1/2/3/4
43 Logout Requests session termination from NetHasp Licence Manager
call ProgNum Number assigned to the application in NetHasp
Password1 First NetHASP password
Password2 Second NetHASP password
44 ReadWord Reads 1 word from NetHasp
call SeedCode SeedCode (0-65535)
ProgNum Number assigned to the application in NetHasp
Password1 First NetHASP password
Password2 Second NetHASP password
Par1 Address (NetHASP mem address 00-247)
returns Par2 Data
Par3 Status (read Status below)
45 WriteWord Writes 1 word to NetHasp
call SeedCode SeedCode (0-65535)
ProgNum Number assigned to the application in NetHasp
Password1 First NetHASP password
Password2 Second NetHASP password
Par1 Address (NetHASP mem address 00-247)
Par2 Data
returns Par3 Status (read Status below)
46 HaspID Gets NetHasp ID #
call ProgNum Number assigned to the application in NetHasp
Password1 First NetHASP password
Password2 Second NetHASP password
returns Par1 IDLow (low word if ID #)
Par2 IDHigh (high word if ID #)
Par3 Status (read Status below)
Note: ID #=IDLow+65536*IDHigh (idlow,high are unsigned)
48 idleTime Specifys a max time frame for idle stations (NetHasp)
call IdleTime (time frame in minutes 0-65535)
ProgNum Number assigned to the application in NetHasp
Password1 First NetHASP password
Password2 Second NetHASP password
50 ReadBlock Reads a block from MemoHasp
call Par1 Start Address
Defines the initial HASP mem address for reading block
0-55 = MemoHasp-1
0-247= MemoHasp-4
0-247= TimeHasp-4
Par2 Block Length (Block size in words)
Par3 Buffer Segment (Segment address of a variable/address)
Par4 Buffer Offset (Offset address of a variable/address)
returns Par3 Status (read Status below)
51 WriteBlock Writes a block to MemoHasp
call Par1 Start Address
Defines the initial HASP mem address for writing block
0-55 = MemoHasp-1
0-247= MemoHasp-4
0-247= TimeHasp-4
Par2 Block Length (Block size in words)
Par3 Buffer Segment (Segment address of a variable/address)
Par4 Buffer Offset (Offset address of a variable/address)
returns Par3 Status (read Status below)
52 ReadBlock Reads a block from NetHasp
call ProgNum Number assigned to the application in NetHasp
Password1 First NetHASP password
Password2 Second NetHASP password
Par1 Start Address
Defines the initial NetHASP mem address for reading block
Par2 Block Length (Block size in words) (max 24words)
Par3 Buffer Segment (Segment address of a variable/address)
Par4 Buffer Offset (Offset address of a variable/address)
returns Par3 Status (read Status below)
53 WriteBlock Writes a block to NetHasp
call ProgNum Number assigned to the application in NetHasp
Password1 First NetHASP password
Password2 Second NetHASP password
Par1 Start Address
Defines the initial NetHASP mem address for writing block
Par2 Block Length (Block size in words) (max 24words)
Par3 Buffer Segment (Segment address of a variable/address)
Par4 Buffer Offset (Offset address of a variable/address)
returns Par3 Status (read Status below)
70 SetTime Sets TimeHasp clock
call Password1 first timehasp password
Password2 second timehasp password
Par1 Second
Par2 Minute
Par4 Hour (00-23)
returns Par3 Status (read Status below)
71 GetTime Gets TimeHasp time
call Password1 first timehasp password
Password2 second timehasp password
returns Par1 Second
Par2 Minute
Par3 Status (read Status below)
Par4 Hour (00-23)
72 SetDate Sets TimeHasp date
call Password1 first timehasp password
Password2 second timehasp password
Par1 Day
Par2 Month
Par4 Year (00-99)
returns Par3 Status (read Status below)
73 GetDate Gets Timehasp date
call Password1 first timehasp password
Password2 second timehasp password
returns Par1 Day
Par2 Month
Par3 Status (read Status below)
Par4 Year (00-99)
74 WriteByte Writes 1 byte to TimeHasp
call Password1 first timehasp password
Password2 second timehasp password
Par1 Address (mem address of TimeHasp 00-15)
Par2 Data
returns Par3 Status (read Status below)
75 ReadByte Reads 1 byte from TimeHasp
call Password1 first timehasp password
Password2 second timehasp password
Par1 Address (mem address of TimeHasp 00-15)
returns Par2 Data
Par3 Status (read Status below)
76 WriteBlock Writes a block to TimeHasp
call Password1 first timehasp password
Password2 second timehasp password
Par1 Start Address
Defines the initial TimeHASP mem address for writing block
Par2 Block Length (Block size in bytes)
Par3 Buffer Segment (Segment address of a variable/address)
Par4 Buffer Offset (Offset address of a variable/address)
returns Par3 Status (read Status below)
Note: this service only writes the first 16 bytes of TimeHasp, to write a block
to 248word mem of TimeHasp-4, use service 51.
77 ReadBlock Reads a block from TimeHasp
call Password1 first timehasp password
Password2 second timehasp password
Par1 Start Address
Defines the initial TimeHASP mem address for reading block
Par2 Block Length (Block size in bytes)
Par3 Buffer Segment (Segment address of a variable/address)
Par4 Buffer Offset (Offset address of a variable/address)
returns Par3 Status (read Status below)
Note: this service only reads the first 16 bytes of TimeHasp, to read a block
to 248word mem of TimeHasp-4, use service 50.
78 GetHaspID Gets TimeHasp ID #
call Password1 first timehasp password
Password2 second timehasp password
returns Par1 IDLow (low word if ID #)
Par2 IDHigh (high word if ID #)
Par3 Status (read Status below)
Note: ID #=IDLow+65536*IDHigh (idlow,high are unsigned)
85 SetConfigName Sets the name of NetHasp conf. file
call Par2 BufferSize (byte size of buffer containing the name
of NetHasp conf. file)
Par3 Buffer Segment (Segment address of the buffer containing
the name of the NetHasp conf. file)
Par4 Buffer Offset (Offset address of the buffer containing
the name of the NetHasp conf. file)
96 SetServerName Sets the name of Nethasp Licence Manager to which
the protected progie will perform a NetHasp Login
call Par2 BufferSize (byte size of buffer containing the name
of NetHasp Licence Manager)
Par3 Buffer Segment (Segment address of the buffer containing
the name of the NetHasp Licence Manager)
Par4 Buffer Offset (Offset address of the buffer containing
the name of the NetHasp Licence Manager)
1.2 SeedCode
1.3 LptNum
0 searches all ports
1/2/3 checks lpt1/lpt2/lpt3
101/102/103 checks 3bc/378/278 ;(ports you'll have to bpio onto :-)
1.4/5 Password 1/2
1.6/7/8 Par(ameters) 1/2/3
1.9 Status Codes
1.9.1 HASP-3, MemoHASP, TimeHASP-4, NetHASP
0 Successful
-1 TimeOut (unsuccessful write operation)
-2 Address is out of range
-3 Hasp with the specified password was not found
-4 Hasp was found but it's not MemoHASP
-5 Unsuccessful write operation
-999 Invalid service
1.9.2 TimeHASP, TimeHASP-4
0 Successful
-20 Invalid day
-21 Invalid month
-22 Invalid year
-23 Invalid seconds
-24 Invalid minutes
-25 Invalid hours
-26 Invalid address (not in range of 0-15)
-27 TimeOut (unsuccessful write operation)
-28 Hasp not found
-29 Hasp was found but it's not TimeHASP
1.9.3 HASP Device Drivers
-100 Can't open HASP device driver (win32)
-101 Can't read HASP device driver (win32)
-102 Can't close HASP device driver (win32)
-110 Can't open HASP device driver (dos, dos extender, win)
-111 Can't read HASP device driver (dos, dos extender, win)
-112 Can't close HASP device driver (dos, dos extender, win)
-120 Can't allocate DOS memory (dos, dos extender, win protected with stand-alone keys)
-121 Can't deallocate DOS memory (dos, dos extender, win protected with stand-alone keys)
1.9.4 NetHASP LastStatus
0 Successful
--Errors which occurs in communication between proggie and NetHASP
Licence Manager Or by the parameters you passed to the routine--
1 IPX, NetBios, TCP/IP protocols haven't installed properly
2 Communication error (unable to get socket number)
3 Communication error
4 No NetHASP licence manager found
5 Cannot read the NetHASP licence manager address file
6 Cannot close the NetHASP licence manager address file
7 Communication error (failed to send packet)
8 No Answer from NetHASP licence manager
10 You didn't call Login Service yet
11 Communication error (adapter error)
15 No active NetHASP licence manager found
18 Can't perform Login because of an unsuccessful SetServerName call
19 Syntax error in conf. file (line # returns in Par2, if 0 then there is
an enviroment variable with an illegal setting)
20 Error handling conf. file (system error code in Par2)
21 Couldn't allocate memory
22 Couldn't deallocate memory
23 Invalid NetHASP mem address
24 Invalid NetHASP service
25 Failed to load winsock.dll
26 Failed to unload winsock.dll
28 winsock.dll startup error
40 NetHASP services are not supported
--Errors which occurs after the client-server communication has been established--
129 Correct NetHASP is not connected.
130 ProgNum isn't in the ProgList of NetHASP mem
131 Error reading from NetHASP mem
132 Error writing to NetHASP mem
133 Login request exceeds the # of stations (limited user)
134 Login request exceeds the # of activations for progie
135 Logout was called before calling login
136 NetHASP license manager is busy.
137 No space in NetHASP log table
138 Internal NetHASP error (# of licensed stations is larger than allowed by NetHASP)
139 Computer with NetHASP crached & reactivated (must call login again)
140 NetHASP license manager does not serve the network of your station
141 Invalid service
142 NetHASP license manager matching the name specified in NetHASP conf. file not found
150 No NetHASP license manager with the assigned name was found
151 Two or more different NetHASP license managers with the assigned name were found
2.0 Things to remember
- there can be more than one seedcode
- it can be checking dongle with dummy passwords to confuse you
- it can be using the return code as seed for encryption/variable
- read xoanon's doc. (delaying reactions
to a checking)
- in the dongles memory, program can store a routine, jumptables, seeds
for a decryption etc.. (you may need the dongle itself in order to crack the
dongle at %100)
Let's do it (DOS)
Second and third part will be ready asap, part four is (partly) already there
Let's do it (Windows)
Part C, added 19 Oct 1997
A introduction to hasp
B let's do it
C ------------------------------ LET'S DO IT (WIN)
D tips & tricks.
ok. when writing this doc, i searched some `common` programs to give as
examples but there were no programs given to `public` via ftp/www.
so, as my target i chose several different programs from local
1) Our first Victim "Cevirmen"
Cevirmen translates english-2-turkish, and seems to use Hasp3.
As i got the program, what i did to crack was using my "Trick1".
I plugged my leds to the parallel port, and ran the program. Then a
firmwindow popped up.
I pressed ok and saw my leds flashing. then menu came and i loaded a
txt, then pressed "Automatic Translation". (but nothing happened.)
so, i ldr'ed the program, and traveled throu' the code with f10/f8.
soon after the show_firmwindow call, i saw my leds flashing again. :))
looking after the call, i saw some cmp's. Now i knew which call made the
dongle check.
next, i loaded the program with ida 3.7 and go to the call which
checked for dongle.
1.1) cevirmen uses hasp95.vxd for hasp functions so using a bpio 378
will do no good to us since our program is in ring 3 and vxd is in
ring 0. so you can use bpio -h 378 to set a breakpoint. you'll find
yourself in hasp95.vxd so "p ret"'ing you can go back..
1.2) after disasm'ing program i saw a lot of calls to CheckHasp. so
patching directly the CheckHasp call is a wiser approach.
1.3) luckily this program used only services 1 & 2 to check dongle.
Which are IsHasp & HaspCode (read HaspApi functions) and luckily
again it only compared the return codes of the seed number. (it
could have used the return codes for decryption and/or use it as
a part of code.) ie. ret codes could be the opcodes of mov eax,1.
1.4) i always recommend you to disasm the file, (as i told you
there were too many CheckHasp calls, but there could be some other
direct calls to _hasp)
1.5) i changed the addresses and wrote some comments to let you better
understand in the given disasm forms.
1.6) i'll give these long codes once, so on other cracking usage
refer these.
;S u b r o u t i n e Attributes: bp-based frame
;This is the CheckHasp, it is called many times by the program.
CheckHasp proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_409069+1A6p
arg_0 = dword ptr 8
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push ebx
mov ebx, [ebp+arg_0]
lea eax, [ebx+0D4h]
push eax
lea edx, [ebx+0D0h]
push edx
lea ecx, [ebx+0CCh] ;
push ecx
lea eax, [ebx+0C8h] ;Ret1
push eax
push dword ptr [ebx+0ACh]
push dword ptr [ebx+0A8h]
push dword ptr [ebx+0B4h]
push dword ptr [ebx+0B0h]
push 1 ; Service 1 (IsHasp) Checks
; if Hasp exists
call HaspPushCall ; call _Hasp
*** cmp dword ptr [ebx+0C8h], 0 ; Par1=0? (No Hasp=0, Hasp exists=1)
*** jnz short HaspFound ; Good Guy
push ebx ; Bad Guy
call sub_460A3E
pop ecx
xor eax, eax
pop ebx
pop ebp
HaspFound: ; CODE XREF: CheckHasp+49j
lea edx, [ebx+0C4h]
push edx
lea ecx, [ebx+0C0h]
push ecx
lea eax, [ebx+0BCh]
push eax
lea edx, [ebx+0B8h]
push edx
push dword ptr [ebx+0ACh]
push dword ptr [ebx+0A8h]
push dword ptr [ebx+0B4h]
push dword ptr [ebx+0B0h]
push 2 ; Service 2 (HaspCode) gets
; return code
call HaspPushCall ; call _Hasp
mov ecx, [ebx+0B8h] ; Check return codes for given
Seed #
cmp ecx, [ebx+0D8h] ;
jnz short HaspFail ;
mov eax, [ebx+0BCh] ;
cmp eax, [ebx+0DCh] ;
jnz short HaspFail ;
mov edx, [ebx+0C0h] ;
cmp edx, [ebx+0E0h] ;
jnz short HaspFail
mov ecx, [ebx+0C4h]
cmp ecx, [ebx+0E4h]
jz short HaspOk
HaspFail: ; CODE XREF: CheckHasp+9Ej
; CheckHasp+ACj ...
push ebx
call sub_460A3E
pop ecx
xor eax, eax
pop ebx
pop ebp
HaspOk: ; CODE XREF: CheckHasp+C8j
mov eax, 1 ; eax=1 (ok, user has right
pop ebx
pop ebp
CheckHasp endp
now as you see, the program first checks if the dongle exists. then if
it finds a dongle, it checks for the return codes for the given seed
code. if
that's ok, too; it puts 1 into eax and returns.. Easy.. ie. change
cmp dword ptr [ebx+0C8h], 0 ; Par1=0? (No Hasp=0,
Hasp exists
jnz short HaspFound ; Good Guy :)
to Call HaspOk
then i ran the program again and.. well done Zafer.. :)
but let me show you some details.. first of all the following code
comes with the hasp package for software developers to include in their
;; Description:
;; This file links the application to the procedure that checks
;; the HASP key. This file performs the following:
;; a. Gets the parameters from the application stack.
;; b. Initialize the appropriate registers.
;; c. Calls haspreg, procedure that checks the HASP key.
;; d. Receives the return values from haspreg and moves them to.
;; the stack.
;; Compilation instructions:
;; masm -Mx haspbc32;
extrn haspreg : near
public _hasp
; Frame structure after pushing EBP.
RetCode4 equ [EBP+40]
RetCode3 equ [EBP+36]
RetCode2 equ [EBP+32]
RetCode1 equ [EBP+28]
PlugNameHi equ [EBP+24]
PlugNameLow equ [EBP+20]
Lptnum equ [EBP+16]
SeedCode equ [EBP+12]
Cmd equ [EBP+8 ]
_hasp proc near
push Ebp
mov Ebp, Esp
push Eax Ebx Ecx Edx Edi Esi
mov Esi, RetCode1
mov Edi, [Esi]
mov Ebx, 0
mov Ebx, Cmd
mov bh, bl
mov bl, 0
add Ebx, LptNum
mov Eax, SeedCode
mov Ecx, PlugNameLow
mov Edx, PlugNameHi
cmp bh,50
jb NotBlockOperation
mov Esi, RetCode4
mov Eax, [Esi]
mov Esi, RetCode2
mov Esi, [Esi]
push Ebp
call haspreg
pop Ebp
mov Edi, RetCode1
mov [Edi], Eax
mov Edi, RetCode2
mov [Edi], Ebx
mov Edi, RetCode3
mov [Edi], Ecx
mov Edi, RetCode4
mov [Edi], Edx
pop Esi Edi Edx Ecx Ebx Eax
pop Ebp
_hasp endp
ok, this is the common code that you'll see in the hasp protected
let's see this in our `cevirmen` example.. our example did a
call HaspPushCall ; call _Hasp
HaspPushCall proc near ; CODE XREF: CheckHasp+3Dp
; CheckHasp+8Dp
arg_0 = dword ptr 8
arg_4 = dword ptr 0Ch
arg_8 = dword ptr 10h
arg_C = dword ptr 14h
arg_10 = dword ptr 18h
arg_14 = dword ptr 1Ch
arg_18 = dword ptr 20h
arg_1C = dword ptr 24h
arg_20 = dword ptr 28h
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push [ebp+arg_20] ; this part just pushes some
push [ebp+arg_1C] ; for the _Hasp
push [ebp+arg_18]
push [ebp+arg_14]
push [ebp+arg_10]
push [ebp+arg_C]
push [ebp+arg_8]
push [ebp+arg_4]
push [ebp+arg_0]
call NormalHaspCode ; HaspBC32.asm
pop ebp
retn 24h
HaspPushCall endp
i'll skip the NormalHaspCode part since it's the same as
HaspBC32.asm but will show some parts from HaspReg. I won't comment
much since it explains itself.
;the code jumps here from the call haspreg
Hasp_ proc near ; CODE XREF: NormalHaspCode+36p
lea esi, HaspFFFFFFFF
cmp dword ptr [esi], 0FFFFFFFFh
jz short Hasp_Skip
lea esi, GetEnvStrings
call dword ptr [esi]
lea esi, GetEnvStr_Resul
mov [esi], eax
Hasp_Skip: ; CODE XREF: Hasp_+Aj
lea esi, HaspFFFFFFFF
cmp dword ptr [esi], 0FFFFFFFFh
jnz Hasp_Exit
lea eax, aKernel32_dll
push eax
call j_GetModuleHandleA
lea esi, ModHandle_Resul
mov [esi], eax
call ModProcAddy
lea esi, GetEnvStrings
call dword ptr [esi]
lea esi, GetEnvStr_Resul
mov [esi], eax
lea esi, H_Version
mov dword ptr [esi], 94h
push esi
lea esi, GetVersExA
call dword ptr [esi]
lea esi, H_Version
mov eax, [esi+10h]
lea esi, HaspFFFFFFFF
mov [esi], eax
cmp eax, 2
jz loc_469908
cmp eax, 1
jz loc_469908
lea eax, aUtregister
push eax
lea esi, ModHandle_Resul
mov eax, [esi]
push eax
call j_GetProcAddress
cmp eax, 0
jnz short ProcNotFnd
lea esi, HaspFFFFFFFF
mov dword ptr [esi], 1
jmp loc_469908
; -----------------------------------------------------------------
ProcNotFnd: ; CODE XREF: Hasp_+A6j
lea esi, dword_4D9175
mov [esi], eax
lea esi, ModHandle_Resul
mov eax, [esi]
lea esi, aUtunregister
push esi
push eax
call j_GetProcAddress
lea esi, dword_4D9171
mov [esi], eax
mov eax, 4000h
push eax
lea eax, byte_4D90E1
push eax
lea eax, HaspUt16Dll ;
push eax ;
lea esi, OpnFile ;Open Hasp NOT a real file.
call dword ptr [esi]
cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
jz short loc_469908
lea esi, HaspFFFFFFFF
mov dword ptr [esi], 0Bh
push 0
lea esi, dword_4D9011
call dword ptr [esi]
lea esi, dword_4D91AA
mov [esi], eax
push 0
push 0
lea eax, dword_4D941C
push eax
push 3
push 2
lea eax, HaspUt16Dll
push eax
lea esi, dword_4D91AA
mov eax, [esi]
push eax
lea esi, dword_4D9175
call dword ptr [esi]
push 0
push 2
lea esi, MessagBoxA_2
push esi
lea esi, dword_4D941C
call dword ptr [esi]
lea esi, MessagBoxA_2
cmp word ptr [esi], 0
jz short loc_469908
lea esi, HaspFFFFFFFF
mov dword ptr [esi], 0Ah
loc_469908: ; CODE XREF: Hasp_+7Fj
Hasp_+88j ...
call MovEmAll
Hasp_Exit: ; CODE XREF: Hasp_+27j
lea ebp, H_JmpAdy
call dword ptr [ebp+0]
lea esi, GetEnvStr_Resul
push dword ptr [esi]
lea esi, FreeEnvStrA ; Free Envs
call dword ptr [esi]
Hasp_ endp ; sp = -40h
and let's see the data parts
seg002 segment para public 'DATA' use32
assume cs:seg002
;org 4D9000h
aGetmodulehandl db 'GetModuleHandleA',0 ; DATA XREF: ModProcAddyo
dword_4D9011 dd 0 ; DATA XREF: ModProcAddy+12w
a_Hasp95 db '\\.\HASP95',0 ; DATA XREF: CODE:004691EEo
aDeviceiocontro db 'DeviceIoControl',0 ; DATA XREF: ModProcAddy+17o
dword_4D9030 dd 0 ; DATA XREF: ModProcAddy+29w
aLoadlibrarya db 'LoadLibraryA',0 ; DATA XREF: ModProcAddy+170o
H_Version db 94h dup(0) ; DATA XREF: Hasp_+56o
HaspUt16Dll db 'HASPUT16.DLL',0 ; DATA XREF: Hasp_+EBo
aNetapi32_dll db 'NETAPI32.DLL',0 ; DATA XREF: CODE:00469392o
a_Hasp db '\\.\HASP',0
i removed the `....` parts since i don't want this text to be long and
we don't need to know them for this program. but the removed parts
included NetApi32 functions for the NetHasp dongle checking which is
in fact important if you're cracking a program using NetHasp.
2) Our Second Victim "MTH Psikrometrik Hesabi"
this program is a kinda addon for acad13.. when you run the program
a msgbox saying "no dongle or wrong dongle" appears.
1.1) this program is a VB4 program.. (damn) It uses hasp95.vxd and
1.2) dodi's vb4tools (4.10 sept '97) can't disasm with error message
"can't handle bla bla)
ok.. since we can't ida/vb4disasm the program so what?.. well,
here is what i did.. I installed the vb40.. wrote a simple program like
if a=0 then c=1
if a=&hffff then c=1
if a<>0 then .... etc etc
and examined the result exe trying to figure what the
"basic cmp"'s hex form is. And found that
07 xx xx xx xx YY 00 e8 03
xx..xx=is the number you compare (ie. if a=0 (x..x=0))
yy=comparison (ie. equal, smaller, greater etc.)
then using bpio -h 378 i tried to find which part checked for
dongle... after some "p ret"'ing i found myself in vb40032.dll and found
that there is a part by which your basic code is executed, esi=your basic
code address. for my example esi=4d2cf8 was IsHasp, 4d2d5b was HaspStatus
etc. and here is how that looks in the exe file.
004D2CF8: B8 15 4A 00 FE 07 84 05
-----------> offset Jumper (IsHasp)
004D2D00: 08 00 0C 00 50 07 00 00-00 00 56 00 E8 03 6C 03 ;07 ( cmp 0
-- ----------- -----------> (56) equal
004D2D10: 94 02 A2 05 08 00 00 00-9C 02 A2 05 08 00 06 00
004D2D20: 98 05 08 00 18 00 98 05-08 00 14 00 98 05 08 00
004D2D30: 10 00 98 05 08 00 0C 00-84 05 08 00 34 04 84 05
004D2D40: 08 00 30 04 50 07 00 00-00 00 50 07 2C 01 00 00
004D2D50: 82 05 08 00 06 00 1E 02-38 06 B8 15 4A 00 FE 07
-----------> offset Jumper
004D2D60: 84 05 08 00 10 00 50 07-03 00 00 00 56 00 E8 03 ;07 (00..03) cmp 3
-- ----------- -----------> (56) equal
004D2D70: CE 03 94 02 A2 05 08 00-00 00 9E 02 A2 05 08 00
004D2D80: 06 00 98 05 08 00 18 00-98 05 08 00 14 00 98 05
004D2D90: 08 00 10 00 98 05 08 00-0C 00 84 05 08 00 34 04
004D2DA0: 84 05 08 00 30 04 50 07-00 00 00 00 50 07 2C 01
004D2DB0: 00 00 82 05 08 00 06 00-1E 02 38 06 B8 15 4A 00
-----------> offset
Jumper (GetHaspID)
004D2DC0: FE 07 84 05 08 00 14 00-50 07 00 00 00 00 6C 00 ;07 (00..00) cmp 0 -- ----------- -----
004D2DD0: E8 03 34 04 94 02 A2 05-08 00 00 00 E6 03 20 05
-----> (6c) different
004D2DE0: 84 05 08 00 10 00 50 07-00 00 00 00 AE 00 E8 03 ;07 (00..00) cmp 0
-- ----------- -----------> (ae) smaller
004D2DF0: B0 04 84 05 08 00 0C 00-50 07 00 00 00 00 AE 00 ;07 (00..00) cmp 0
-- ----------- -----
004D2E00: E8 03 88 04 50 07 00 00-01 00 84 05 08 00 10 00
-----> (ae) smaller
004D2E10: 04 01 50 07 00 00 01 00-44 01 50 07 FF FF 00 00
and here is what i call "Jumper"
004A15B8 Jumper: mov edx, ds:BSS_JmpDat2
004A15BE add edx, 74h
004A15C4 mov eax, [edx]
004A15C6 or eax, eax
004A15C8 jz short JumperSk
004A15CA jmp eax
004A15CC JumperSk: push edx
004A15CD call j_DllFunctionCall
004A15D2 jmp eax
ok now, i'll skip the other hex code and try to give you a basic code..
(note: i tried to generate the basic code myself, so real code can be
different, but anyway this will give you an idea.)
Service = IS_HASP
Call hasp(Service, SeedCode, LptNum, Passw1, Passw2, p1&, p2&, p3&, p4&)
If p1& = 0 Then
'if p1&(ret code1) =0 then No Hasp Found
End If
Call hasp(Service, SeedCode, LptNum, Passw1, Passw2, p1&, p2&, p3&, p4&)
'If ??? = 3 Then
'can be p1&+p2&+p3&=3 ??
'End If
Service = GET_ID_NUM
Call hasp(Service, SeedCode, LptNum, Passw1, Passw2, p1&, p2&, p3&, p4&)
If p3& <> 0 Then
'if p3&(ret code3 (status))<>0 then No Hasp ID returned.
'The ID number is a 32 bit integer constructed from the following
'equation : p2*65536+p1
'The following computation converts the two 16 bit integers returned
'from the hasp routine to a 32 bit integer.
If p2& <0 Then If p1& < 0 Then ID&="(65536" + p2&) * 65536 + 65535 + p1& Else ID&="(65536" + p2&) * 65536 + p1& End If Else If p1& < 0 Then ID&="p2&" * 65536 + 65536 + p1& Else ID&="p2&" * 65536 + p1& End If If ID&="MyID" then 'Heyo.... :)))) End IF End If ok.. to crack this program just change "56"(equal)'s to "6c"(not equal) and vice versa. and you're done.. :) X) Conclusion Part ok, since we're finished with cracking here are some more notes from your fav. cracker. 0) Remember many hasp protected programs have the codes given above. So when you get a hasped program, just search the code.. comment some and you're done.. :) 1) don't ever worry about the garbage codes. our aim is the haspreg call. after the haspreg call, we'll have registers loaded with return codes which we can modify. 2) if the program uses memohasp also check the haspreg call, since the memory contents will be soon returned to an address thus we can gain the info. (you must have the dongle to read the memory contents) 3) Animadeus and I was working on a HaspEmulator but we found a HaspEmulator by MeteO/UCL for DOS. (well done MeteO) but we may release our WinHaspEmulator. :))) 4) Get MeteO's programs, too. He seems to have spent hell a lot of time reverse engineering Hasp. (#ucl'97 @ Efnet and 5) Keep my introduction to hasp doc handy. You'll need it to understand what your target program is doing. 6) si3.21 and ida 3.7 rocks.. :) (consider buying them) 7) cracking a program, i use Camel, Pepsi, Sepultura, Slayer. (for deeper code "analysis,.class" tppabs=",.class" Pantera is also fine) 8) very special greets go to Animadeus (thanx for morale support), The Owl (thanx for morale support. btw, i'm still thinkin' about that 1k chess, eheh) Razzia (thanx for the loong chats), eMX! (nice to see you back in town) 9) and the ppl in #cracking/#crackers.. hii pals.. A) watch out for my sentinel, fast-eye (hardlock) docs.. soon.. Until next time, have fun! Zafer/BSCA End of part C, added 19 October1997
1.0 InCall
2.0 VxD
1.0 Tip1: Hardware
Until i finish this doc, here is a quick tip. When you do a "bpio 378"
to see the dongle checking you may find yourself very deep in the code.
then you must trace back to find the call etc.
But instead of this breakpoint usage, here is what i use for the dongles
i haven't seen before. I've built a hardware to plug the parallel port.
it's just a series of "led" (i recommend red ones) which are connected
to parallel port's d0-d7 (you may also put leds to other pins but d0-d7
are enough). So when i trace through the code, when bypass'ing a call
i see the leds flashing. (ahaa!! this call checked for dongle) :)) *evil grin*
then you can act accordingly. (real check can be another call in that call
so go in that call to find it out)
Until next time, have fun! -Zafer/BSCA
GreETz for this doc:
FatalicA, eMX!, Razzia, xOANON, Rasel, Bonito, Cophiber, Section Jaguar
and my partners in reversing.
GreETz for part C:
FatalicA, eMX!, Razzia, Animadeus, The Owl, xOANON, Rasel, Bonito,
Mad Jester, LordByte, Doc-Man and my partners in reverse enginering.
(c) Zafer, 1997. All rights reversed.
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