Adding Functionality You're Not Supposed To Have
(Part II)
Recording restricted audio AND video clips in Real Player Plus
by x86
(16 September 1997)
Courtesy of Fravia's page of reverse engineering
Well, here is x86's last email:
Greetings, I now submit to you the conclusion of the 'Enable
Recording of RealPlayer Clips'. It is now complete and works like a champ.
As I mentioned, the 'recording video' part was very interesting and (to
me at least!) quite a challenge. I hope you find it interesting.
Regards, x86
Needless to say, I love this functionalities adding/modifying stuff.
I notice
that even x86, a wdasm "debugger aficionado", has to use softice in order to
this target...
A last note: heed the part of this essay that begins with
"So, I made an assumption..." that's a bit of very nice zen-reversing!
Adding Functionality You're Not Supposed To Have Part II (Final Chapter)
(Recording restricted audio AND video clips in Real Player Plus)
Tools and Files needed:
Wdasm 8.9 (for some debugging, disassembling)
Your favorite hex editor
Real Player 4.0 available at:
(needs serial # to function as the Plus version)
Optional Items:
RealPlayer Encoder (free) available at:
Hello once again! Here is the final installment in my Real Player tutorial.
We will now see how to enable the saving of ANY audio and/or video clip (with ONE
caveat!). If you haven't yet read the first installment of this essay, go and do
it now. You must complete part one before starting on
part two, or things won't work correctly.
To understand what you are looking for in this target, you MUST have a full
understanding of how Real Media clips are designed, and in particular
how the header sections of these clips are organized and used.
For a total description of the header sections and their structure, visit: and
look arnd.
Here is a short introduction to the part which interest us.
The basic design convention of the main objects in the header is as follows:
RealMedia File Header (This must be the first chunk of the file)
Properties Header
Media Properties Header
Content Description Header
Each of these sections begin with a 32 bit descriptor which corresponds
to 4 ascii letters called the `object_id'.
For the RealMedia file header the object_id is `RMF.'.
For the Properties header it is `PROP'.
If you look at one of the .ra or .rm files you made (while following Part I
of this tutorial) in a hexeditor, you can clearly see this.
Notice above I said this was the `convention'.
The only thing about the header that is mandatory is that the RealMedia File
Header be the first chunk of the file.
The other headers can come anywhere, but most content providers do follow the
convention, and if they don't it won't affect us anyway.
I have dumped the header of a .rm file using the
dump utility included with the free RealPlayer encoder mentioned above.
I cleaned it up a bit and added the hex values and byte sizes for your convenience.
I only included the first two header sections, since we only need to deal with
them for our lesson.
RealMedia File: E:\Program Files\RealPlayer\OKRecord.rm
(8 bytes) object_id: 0x2E524D46 (FMR.)
(8 bytes) size: 18 0x00000012
(4 bytes) object version: 0 0x0000
(8 bytes) file version: 0 0x00000000
(8 bytes) num_headers: 6 0x00000006
(8 bytes) object_id: 0x50524F50 (PORP)
(8 bytes) size: 50 bytes 0x00000032
(4 bytes) object version: 0 0x0000
(8 bytes) max_bit_rate: 21286 bps 0x00005326
(8 bytes) avg_bit_rate: 21286 bps 0x00005326
(8 bytes) max_packet_size: 821 bytes 0x00000335
(8 bytes) avg_packet_size: 338 bytes 0x00000152
(8 bytes) num_interleave_packets: 77 0x0000004D
(8 bytes) duration: 12000 milliseconds 0x00002EE0
(8 bytes) preroll: 1252 milliseconds 0x000004E4
(8 bytes) index_offset: 27376 bytes 0x00006AF0
(8 bytes) data_offset: 357 bytes 0x00000165
(4 bytes) num_streams: 2 0x0002
(4 bytes) flags: 1 0x0001
If you haven't created a couple of test files yet with the Encoder,
do it now and then dump the header to a text file and study it.
Your values in the above fields will be different for each file you create.
The field which our lesson revolves around is the last word (by word I mean
4 bytes) in the properties object
The flag field denotes if the clip is recordable or not (see my last essay
for a complete description of the possible values for the flag).
Ok, with that background out of the way, let's discuss our strategy. There are
two parts to this. The first is to allow a clip we create on our machine to be
recorded and saved with the video and audio intact. The second part is to allow
a clip retrieved off of the internet to be recorded and saved as well. Why do
we need to first do a local file? Well, figuring out what the target does with
the header info is MUCH easier when you can step through code at your leisure
without having a remote server timeout because you take too long. NOTE: The
patches in the next section are for learning purposes only. We do this because
we want to see how the header is handled and how modifications to the code
effect our results. I recommend using W32dasm's code patch utility to do these
patches, as they will be temporary. Otherwise, you can change them back when
you are done. The purpose of these patches is to allow us to record and save
the audio and video content of clips WE create and designate to be
NON-recordable. Obviously, when we complete the REAL patch, we don't care about
being able to record the clips, because they will already be on our
machines? Get it?
So, if we have a local file, and it has a header which needs to be
read-in, we can assume Kernel32!ReadFile is going to be used.
Let's fire up SoftIce (my beloved W32Dasm's debugger capabilities just
don't cut mustard for this one :(
Load kernel32 as an export and then load rvplayer.exe.
Bpx on readfile and then open one of the .rm files you created.
SoftIce pops in kernel32, so hit F12 twice and you return here, inside of
pncrt.dll (Progressive Network C Runtime Library):
:6541FA1C 8D442418 lea eax, dword ptr [esp+18]
:6541FA20 6A00 push 00000000 ;lpOverlapped (not used)
:6541FA22 50 push eax ;Address of buffer for #bytes read
:6541FA23 51 push ecx ;Number of bytes to read in
:6541FA24 52 push edx ;Address of buffer for data read-in
:6541FA25 8B4D00 mov ecx, dword ptr [ebp+00]
:6541FA28 8B1419 mov edx, dword ptr [ecx+ebx]
:6541FA2B 52 push edx ;File handle
:6541FA2C FF155C244465 Call dword ptr [6544245C] ;KERNEL32.ReadFile
:6541FA32 85C0 test eax, eax
:6541FA34 7551 jne 6541FA87
After the call, [esp-10] contains the address of the buffer holding the
data you just read in. If you take a look at the contents of that that address,
the first thing you'll see is `RMF.', and a little farther down `PROP' and so on.
Here is our header!
The next header after `PROP' is the content header `CONT'.
We don't yet know how the header is dealt with, so let's set a read-breakpoint of
the range of memory from the first byte to the last byte of the property header
The last byte of the property header occurs right before the content header, so
look for `CONT' and the byte right before the `C' is the last byte of the property
If you type `FORMAT' a few times, you can get the memory laid out in word format
for easier reading. I am learning SoftIce as I go, so excuse me if I may not do
things the easiest way! Once your breakpoint is set, hit `X' to return to
SoftIce pops again on ReadFile. Hit F12 twice, and then `d esp-10'.
Then `d xxxxxxxx' on the location at esp-10. Here is the file header again.
Set another breakpoint on the memory containing the property header, same as
above, just change the start and end addresses.
Return to RealPlayer, and immediately we pop back at ReadFile again.
Repeat the above instructions, look at the memory contents of the address
in esp-10, here is the header again.
The buffer is in another memory location again, so we need to set another
breakpoint, just like the others. That is the last file-read we care
about (subsequent readfile calls read in the data portion of the clip),
so let's disable the breakpoint on readfile.
Since readfile was the first breakpoint we set, we can type `bd 0' to disable
it. Now, hit `X' and return to the program.
SoftIce pops again, this time on one of our memory breakpoints.
We are in pncrt.dll, at this section of code:
:6542CBBC 668B06 mov ax, word ptr [esi] ;[esi] holds our memory
:6542CBBF 668907 mov word ptr [edi], ax ;location
:6542CBC2 8B4508 mov eax, dword ptr [ebp+08]
:6542CBC5 5E pop esi
:6542CBC6 5F pop edi
:6542CBC7 C9 leave
:6542CBC8 C3 ret
If we trace out of this section, we find ourselves in pnen3240.dll right here:
:63924C2A E81F1BFEFF Call 6390674E ;pncrt.memcpy, where we were.
:63924C2F 83C40C add esp, 0000000C ;Return here
:63924C32 8B4DEC mov ecx, dword ptr [ebp-14]
:63924C35 8DBE8C000000 lea edi, dword ptr [esi+0000008C]
:63924C3B 898EC0000000 mov dword ptr [esi+000000C0], ecx
:63924C41 837DEC00 cmp dword ptr [ebp-14], 00000000
:63924C45 8B8E90000000 mov ecx, dword ptr [esi+00000090]
:63924C4B 8B17 mov edx, dword ptr [edi]
:63924C4D 0F8637020000 jbe 63924E8A
:63924C53 837DEC32 cmp dword ptr [ebp-14], 00000032
:63924C57 0F822D020000 jb 63924E8A
:63924C5D 0FB601 movzx eax, byte ptr [ecx]
:63924C60 C1E018 shl eax, 18
:63924C63 41 inc ecx
:63924C64 8902 mov dword ptr [edx], eax
:63924C66 0FB619 movzx ebx, byte ptr [ecx]
:63924C69 C1E310 shl ebx, 10
:63924C6C 41 inc ecx
:63924C6D 0BD8 or ebx, eax
:63924C6F 891A mov dword ptr [edx], ebx
:63924C71 0FB601 movzx eax, byte ptr [ecx]
:63924C74 C1E008 shl eax, 08
This is a long section of code, which basically does the following:
Take one byte of the property header from [ecx], put it into either eax
or ebx (alternating), shift that byte left to the next unoccupied byte of eax
or ebx, OR eax and eax together and put the result into [edx], repeating
until the property header has been fully processed.
So what the target is doing is copying the property header from the
original memory buffer to a new location in memory for later use.
This is the key to our whole project.
Once this data has been moved to another memory location, all bets are
off. Who knows (or cares?) what the target does with it later.
All we care about is intercepting the copying of the flag bit and replacing
it with the value we choose.
If we do it here, we can rest easy. If we try and track the flag down
later, good luck.
Remember, the flag variable is going to be that last word of the
property header, so let's look down to the end of the memory moving routine:
:63924E76 66894230 mov word ptr [edx+30], ax
:63924E7A 660FB619 movzx bx, byte ptr [ecx] ;[ecx]=FLAG_VARIABLE
:63924E7E 660BD8 or bx, ax
:63924E81 41 inc ecx
:63924E82 66895A30 mov word ptr [edx+30], bx
* Referenced by a Jump at Address:63924CCB(C)
:63924E86 85C9 test ecx, ecx
:63924E88 7507 jne 63924E91
So, here is our first patch. If the clip is non-recordable, the flag
variable will either be 00 or 02 (if PerfectPlay was enabled).
If we make the flag variable 03, then the clip will be both recordable, and
"PerfectPlay-able", so let's do that.
Change at offset:
(2427A) 66 0F B6 19 movzx bx, byte ptr [ecx]
(2427A) 66 BB 03 00 mov bx, 0003
To save you the trouble of having to re-enter all of your break points,
I'll tell you now that we aren't done.
Don't try and test the target yet.
Hit `X' and continue.
We'll break again inside of pncrt.dll. Hit F12 until you are back
inside of pnen3240.dll. You will be here:
:63910351 E8F263FFFF Call 63906748 ;pncrt.??2@YAPAXI@Z
:63910356 83C404 add esp, 00000004 ;return here
:63910359 8BF8 mov edi, eax
:6391035B 85FF test edi, edi
:6391035D 0F84F2080000 je 63910C55
:63910363 8B45F0 mov eax, dword ptr [ebp-10]
:63910366 85C0 test eax, eax
:63910368 0F8430020000 je 6391059E
:6391036E 83F832 cmp eax, 00000032
:63910371 0F8227020000 jb 6391059E
:63910377 0FB606 movzx eax, byte ptr [esi]
:6391037A C1E018 shl eax, 18
:6391037D 46 inc esi
:6391037E 8907 mov dword ptr [edi], eax
:63910380 0FB60E movzx ecx, byte ptr [esi]
:63910383 C1E110 shl ecx, 10
:63910386 46 inc esi
I only show here the first section of this part of the code, but if you
look at your deadlisting, it should look familiar.
Here, we do the same type of byte-by-byte memory movement, only now [esi]
points to our property header. Since we want to
intercept the flag byte, let's scroll down to the end of this section:
:63910581 46 inc esi
:63910582 66894F2E mov word ptr [edi+2E], cx
:63910586 660FB60E movzx cx, byte ptr [esi]
:6391058A 66C1E108 shl cx, 08
:6391058E 66894F30 mov word ptr [edi+30], cx
:63910592 660FB64601 movzx ax, byte ptr [esi+01] ;Here is our flag!
:63910597 660BC1 or ax, cx
:6391059A 66894730 mov word ptr [edi+30], ax
Let's apply the same strategy as before. Put a 0003 into ax instead of
the real flag, and record to your hearts content (maybe...?).
Change at offset:
(2427A) 66 0F B6 46 01 movzx ax, byte ptr [esi+01]
(2427A) 66 BB 03 00 mov ax, 0003
90 nop
Time to test our work. Disable your breakpoints and load one of your
non-recordable clips. Try and record it, and then view the playback.
It works, so let's try it live. Get on the internet and go to your
favourite site with RealVideo.
Ok, test it out.
Does it work? NO!
Ok, here is the problem.
When testing on a local file, our target uses the kernel32 `readfile'
function. However, when receiving data from an internet stream, it does NOT
(how could it? We don't have access to the file directly!).
You might be asking, "What's wrong with x86? Why does he make us follow all
of this stuff if it doesn't work?"
Because the principle of operation is the same, regardless if the
file is local or over the net.
The header STILL must be (and is!) read in and processed.
This is the end of the first part of the essay. You needn't save the patches here,
so if you used W32Dasm's code patch utility, simply terminate the process,
and the code will be back to the original. Otherwise, just change the patches back.
As I said, this was to let you see how the header was processed.
Without this basic understanding, (at least for me anyway) the next section
wouldn't make much sense.
This part gave me quite a bit of trouble.
My basic approach was to start loading a remote file, then break into SoftIce
and peform a string search for `RMF' or `PROP', but the problem with this approach
is: who knows how long it takes to get the connection with the remote
server, or when the actual header is sent?
So, I made an assumption (oh, careful...). I assumed that the header would be
handled the same way for a local file as for a remote file.
The locations that we patched are not executed when loading a remote file so
there MUST be a similar routine (the memory-moving routine) somewhere.
So, here it gets a little ugly.
In order to find the location we need, I did a string search for
`movzx eax, byte ptr ` and then examined the locations where this string was
found. Actually, there weren't that many, and I knew
that the routine we were looking for was a long section of repeating
code just like the other spots we patched.
Well, I only came across one location which matched these criteria
(excluding the ones we already patched). I scrolled to the end of the
routine, to find where our supposed flag is moved. Here it is:
:639155D7 66894F30 mov word ptr [edi+30], cx
:639155DB 660FB64501 movzx ax, byte ptr [ebp+01] ;Flag Variable
:639155E0 660BC1 or ax, cx
:639155E3 66894730 mov word ptr [edi+30], ax
Set a breakpoint here and then run rvplayer. Load a non-recordable clip
from the net (most already are) and BAM, we break right where we want.
Take a look at ebp+1, and sure enough, it is either a 00 or a 02
(depending on if its buffer-able or not). So, here begins the problem I
spoke of at the beginning. I thought originally we could simply do like we
did on the other patches, and put a 0x03 into ax, and we'd be done.
I did that and it worked fine on pre-recorded audio and video, just like
I thought. Then, I tried it on a live audio stream. Well, it started
recording fine, but after about 3 seconds, the `Net Congestion: Rebuffering Clip'
message appeared. Ok, wait, wait, wait. Nothing. Endless buffering.
I thought it might be actual congestion, so I tried again. Worked
fine until I hit the record button, then after about 3 seconds, same message,
same endless buffering. I tried it on a live video stream and the exact
same symptoms occurred. I got to thinking, and decided to try and replace
the flag patch I had done at 639155E3 from a 0x03 to a 0x07
(live stream (0x04) + bufferable (0x02) + recordable (0x01) = 0x07). Guess
what? Now, exactly the OPPOSITE occurred. Live streams were fine, but
pre-recorded ones got the endless buffering message.
One solution to this is to create TWO pnen3240.dll's. One for live streams,
and the other for pre-recorded. Needless to say, besides being a pain the
butt, it's ugly and non-efficient reverse engineering. I realized what I
needed was some way to check the flag value and then set it to either
0x03 or 0x07, depending on its value. But how to do this? We use things
our fellow +crackers have taught us, in this case, Razzia's and PNA's essays
about adding code to programs will be our guide. Read them and understand them.
We are going to add a small section of code which will see what our flags are,
and then reset them accordingly!
Go to the very bottom of your deadlisting of pnen3240.dll. You'll see
starting from 63935F60 to 63935FF8 a series of `BYTE 10 dup(0)'. These
are just zeros, and as you learned from Razzia and PNA, this is simply free
space between the last instruction and the start of the data section, left
over due to the way the compiler/linker segments the file. Perfect for us!
So, in the place where we would've moved our flag value, we will have a jump:
:639155CA 66894F2E mov word ptr [edi+2E], cx
:639155CE 660FB64D00 movzx cx, byte ptr [ebp+00]
:639155D3 66C1E108 shl cx, 08
:639155D7 66894F30 mov word ptr [edi+30], cx
:639155DB E980090200 jmp 63935F60 ;Jump to our new instructions
:639155E0 660BC1 or ax, cx ;Return here from our code
:639155E3 66894730 mov word ptr [edi+30], ax
Here is the code we are adding:
(The byte ptr [ebp+01] has our flag)
| :63935F60 66807D0104 cmp byte ptr [ebp+01], 04 ;Is the stream live?
:63935F65 7E09 jle 63935F70 ;If not, jump
:63935F67 66B80700 mov ax, 0007 ;It's live, move our flag
:63935F6B E970F6FDFF jmp 639155E0 ;Return
* Referenced by a Jump at Address:
:63935F70 66B80300 mov ax, 0003 ;Not live, move the flag
:63935F74 E967F6FDFF jmp 639155E0 ;Return
So, now we try again. Video and audio clips are saved and recorded
exactly as we wanted, whether live or pre-recorded. I tested this patch on
about 25 different sites with every different combination of live and
pre-recorded audio and video and they all worked perfectly. The only thing
I noticed, and I'm not even sure if it's related, is that once in a while when
playing back video clips I recorded, the player stalled right at the beginning
and I had to hit the frame-advance button once or twice to get it going. Other
than that, I'd say our work has been a total success. Hopefully, you've learned
how easy it can be to add the functionality needed in order to get what we want!
Until next time-
(c) x86, 1997. All rights reversed.
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