Windows Commander 3.02
An "antivirale" protection scheme defeated
by iNCuBuS++
(06 August 1997, slightly edited by Fravia)
Courtesy of Fravia's page of reverse engineering
Well, we did not have much at the +HCU about virale checksum protection scheme,
a new welcome addition by a new welcome +cracker!
Cracking Windows Commander 3.02 (32 bit) by iNCuBuS++
An "antivirale" protection scheme defeated
This program uses key-file protection - that means that, when you
register it,
you receive a 1024 bytes long key file called "wincmd.key" from the
author which contains
info about registered user, eg. you. The file is encrypted and it took
me weeks to trace
through the decryption routines in order to break the code, but it got
me bored to death.
Ok, so it was the wrong approach! What happens if the key file isn't
there? Well, prg opens
the nagscreen saying that it is unregistered copy and that you need to
press one of the 3
buttons (always different, of course) on the bottom of the window to
proceed. So, we will
have to eliminate the nagscreen in the usual way.
Now, the protection scheme itself isn't particularly interesting
(though it will
be explained) , but the fact that this target has a virus-protection
mechanism that reacts
in the case EXE file gets changed is indeed interesting for us. It prevents us from disabling the
nagscreen because it
will issue a virus warning and terminate the program if it detects
any modification to WinCmd32.EXE.
Since there are no suspicious files in the progdir that could possibly
carry some
form of signature for EXE file and there are no entries in the system
registry relative to
WinCmd, the logical assumption is that some form of checksum (CRC) is
hidden somewhere in
the EXE file which is later compared with CRC value calculated by the
program. If they do
not match... well, you get the idea...
But, let's stay on the protection scheme for now.
We do a
bpx KERNEL32!CreateFileA
and start WindowsCommander.It will break into the ICE several times
before we get to the
right call. We'll check which file is being opened by doing
dd ss:esp+4
and looking at the parameters on stack. The first DWORD is a ptr to the
filename string, so
we can easily find out which call opens our key file.We are looking for
something like
We could just look at EAX register to find out the string's address (as
it is loaded in EAX
and then pushed onto stack), but it might depend on the compiler and so
it is not reliable
in all cases.
OK, so we have found the right call. We exit the function with F11 and
start tracing through
the code.Immediately after the function call we find this:
14F:0043993A MOV [EBP-1C],EAX ;EAX holds the error number
14F:0043993D CMP DWORD PTR [EBP-1C],-01 ;Key file opened ?
14F:00439941 JNZ 00439959 ;Yes, jump now!
14F:00439943 CALL 004034FC ;..and we proceed here
After a while we'll get to the following piece of code:
14F:489B08 MOV WORD PTR [EBP-1E],00 ;There's no key file
14F:489B0E CMP WORD PTR [EBP-1E],0080 ;IS there a key file?
14F:489B14 SETZ BYTE PTR [004B47F1] ;Set the flag if there IS!
So the flag remains unset and we know it's address, so we do a
bpmb 4B47F1 rw ,
disable breakpoint on CreateFileA and continue execution of the
program. SoftICE will pop up
14F:0048A1BC MOV AL,[004B47F1]
14F:0048A1C1 RET
and it will continue at
14F:004896D9 TEST AL,AL ;Does the key file exist ?
14F:004896DB JZ 0048971D ;NO, we will jump now!
We trace just a few instructions more and we find
14F:0048A1B4 MOV AL,[004B47F0]
14F:0048A1B9 RET
What could that be? Well, your instinct should say: "Hey! It's a flag
that tells whether
the nagscreen should be opened!"
We exit the subroutine and get to the following:
14F:00489722 TEST AL,AL ;SHOULD the nagscreen be opened?
14F:00489724 JZ 0048974C ;YES! So, jump!
And here we are! We just have to prevent program from jumping at 48974C
! We will do it by
changing JZ into some "neutral" instruction like
and we're done. We could've used NOPs as well, but we'll stick to
+ORC's teachings.
Now the nagscreen is removed, but there still remains the annoying
message while the program
is loading saying
This copy is registered to:
The same thing appears in the window caption. This is ideal opportunity
to sign our work.
We will replace the string "NOT REGISTERED" with our handle. OK, we
take some hex editor and
start searching for the string. We try every letter combination
possible, but find nothing.
Well, that means the string is encrypted. So, we have to pinpoint the
decryption code in
order to break the encryption method and to find the string in its
encrypted form.
At the point where we eliminated the protection, we can find several
instances of
string "NOT REGISTERED". We do a BPR on each instance, disable
breakpoints in order to allow
the program to continue executing and then, when it is up and running,
quit it.Now we
re-enable BPRs and start WinCmd again. It will break into the ICE at
14F:0040650D (your
addresses may differ) where something is being copied into the first of
BPRed locations
(at 157:00504907). The source is at 14F:0043D522. We continue executing
the program and
the next time it will break at 14F:00426A97, in the middle of the
decryption routine which
looks like this:
14F:00426A84 CMP CL,0A ;Skip
14F:00426A87 JZ 00426A96 ;characters !
14F:00426A89 MOV CL,[EDX] ;Get char.
14F:00426A8B SUB CL,20 ;THIS IS
14F:00426A91 ADD CL,20 ;CODE !!!
14F:00426A94 MOV [EDX],CL ;Replace the decrypted char
14F:00426A96 INC EDX ;Next char
14F:00426A97 MOV CL,[EDX] ;Get char
14F:00426A99 TEST CL,CL ;Is it the end of the string?
14F:00426A9B JNZ 00426A84 ;If NOT, return to the
14F:00426A9D RET ;the top of the loop !
Now we know the en/decryption method, original string's location and
it's encrypted form
(which we'll later use to find it when we edit the EXE...).
Notice the symmetrical construction of the decryption routine. It SUBs
20h, XORs 77h and
ADDs 20h. If we wanted to ENCRYPT the string we would have to use the
SAME sequence of ops.
That means that the same routine can be used to encrypt the string as
well as to decrypt it.
How you're going to crypt your string is up to you, but the simplest
method is to replace
the original encrypted string with your unencrypted string and then let
the program encrypt
it using the above en/decryption routine.
There are few other annoying strings, but they reside in the resource
section of the EXE file
and they are not encrypted, so modifying them shouldn't present a
Now is the time to crack the app. We get some hex editor (HEdit is my
favourite), open the
wincmd32.exe file and
SEARCH FOR: 74 26 A1 74 C5 4A 00 (it's at offset 88B24)
REPLACE WITH: 0B C0 A1 74 C5 ...
and the nag screen is eliminated! Now we are going to change our
handle. In this example we
will use mine (" iNCuBuS++ "):
SEARCH FOR: 79 78 63 97 65 72 70 7E 64 63 72 65 72 73 (the original string)
REPLACE WITH: 97 97 97 5E 79 74 42 75 42 64 9C 9C 97 97 (my handle)
We find this sequence at file offset 3C914.
That should do it. But, now we come to the virus protection mechanism.
We start cracked
WinCmd... it says "This copy is registered to: ", there is
no nagscreen, but
before you could do anything, the virus warning appears saying that the
EXE file has been
modified and the program terminates!
Now, we could disable the entire virus protection (I did it with WinCmd
3.01), but that just
wouldn't be too good 'cause it would be unable to react in case of a
real virus. It's better to
"persuade" the program that our new CRC is the right one. That way, the
virus protection will
still be able to react in case some virus attaches itself to the EXE
Again, we do a
bpx CreateFileA
and start WinCmd. After a few breaks we will get to the point where
WinCmd32.exe file is
being opened. We will start tracing from here. If the file was
successfully opened, program
will enter the loop in which it reads the file to the buffer in parts
8000h bytes long and
calculates the checksum splitting up each part in 5 chunks 15B0h bytes
long. File buffer
begins at 157:00520434 (your addresses may differ !!!). The checksum
calculation routine
looks like this:
; ESI = 000015B0 - chunk length
; EDI = 00520434 - ptr. to file buffer
14F:004446F0 MOV CL,[EDI] ;Get a byte from buffer.
14F:004446F2 ADD EAX,ECX
14F:004446F4 ADD EDX,EAX
14F:004446F6 INC EDI ;Move to the next byte in the buffer.
14F:004446F7 DEC ESI ;Decrease chunk length counter.
14F:004446F8 JNZ 004446F0 ;Get back to the top of the loop
;if it's not the end of the chunk.
14F:004446FA MOV [EBP-04],EAX ; SS:0072F9F0
14F:004446FD MOV [EBP-08],EDX ; SS:0072F9EC
14F:00444700 POP ESI
14F:00444701 POP EDI
14F:00444702 MOV EAX,[EDI] ;Get the chunk length counter.
14f:00444704 ADD [EBP-0C],EAX ;Move buffer ptr to the next chunk.
14F:00444707 MOV EAX,[EBP-04] ; SS:0072F9F0
14F:0044470A MOV ECX,[EBP-08] ; SS:0072F9EC
14F:0044470F CDQ
14F:00444710 IDIV ECX
14F:00444712 MOV [EBP-04],EDX
14F:00444715 MOV EAX,[EBP-08]
14F:00444718 MOV ECX,0000FFF1
14F:0044471D CDQ
14F:0044471E IDIV ECX
14F:00444720 MOV [EBP-08],EDX
14F:00444723 TEST EAX,EAX
14F:00444725 JG 004446C8
14F:00444727 MOV EAX,[EBP-08]
14F:0044472A SHL EAX,10
14F:0044472D OR EAX,[EBP-04]
This is a part of the routine that calculates the checksum of one file
part. It is being
called from within a loop for each part of the file. After the last
part has been processed,
the checksum is left at DS:0072FB40. We will naturally place a bpmd at
that address, so that
we could track what is happening to the checksum. Eventually, we'll get
to the following:
14F:0045F7B6 MOV EAX,[EBP+08] ;
here => 14F:0045F7B9 XOR DWORD PTR [EAX-04],F5A3E289 ;The CRC is being XOR-ed and
;it's value-to-be-compared
;is now complete.
After this we'll get to the point where this value is being compared
with some other value
(probably the EXPECTED CRC):
14F:0045F68B MOV EAX,[EBP+08]
14F:0045F68E MOV EAX,[EAX+08]
here => 14F:0045F691 MOV EAX,[EAX-04] ;Get the calculated CRC'S
14F:0045F694 MOV EDX,[EBP+08]
14F:0045F697 MOV EDX,[EDX+08]
14F:0045F69A CMP EAX,[EDX-08] ;Compare it with expected value
14F:0045F69D SETZ AL ;Set the flag if they DO !
We could change the code here to accept any value , but that would
disable virus protection
and we don't want that. Instead, we will take a closer look at the
address where the expected
CRC is (it's at 0072FB3C). Whatever happened at that address, happened
earlier, so we will
have to restart tracing (from the checksum calculation loop for
instance, or immediately
after it), but, this time with a bmpd set at it. We'll get to:
14F:0045F961 MOV EAX,[EBP-20] ;Get the expected CRC's
;original address.
14F:0045F964 MOV EAX,[EAX] ;Get the expected CRC.
14F:0045F966 XOR EAX,2A67BE65 ;XOR it and the CRC's
here => 14F:0045F96B MOV [EBP-08],EAX ;is done. So store it
;(at 72FB3C)!
From the above code we can get the expected checksum's address (it's
45F671) and its value
(it's 9DEBC2EA). We will replace this value with our own.
Take a look at following expression:
In our case it's
and in order not to invoke the virus protection mechanism the following
must be true:
Now, take a look at THIS:
A = D XOR B ,
that is
In our case, the expected value DOES NOT equal the calculated one, due
to EXE file's changes,
so we have to MAKE IT equal.
We will take the CALCULATED_CRC's_VALUE_TO_BE_COMPARED at the point of
comparation and apply
it in the above expression as it was
the new EXPECTED CRC with which we'll replace the original one. The
next time the program runs,
it will get our NEW expected CRC, XOR it and compare the result with
calculated CRC'S
value-to-be-compared. Now they DO match (since we took that
equals CALCULATED_CRC's_VALUE_TO_BE_COMPARED when we calculated the new
expected CRC) and the
program finally works (with ICE beneath).Only thing that remains is to
edit EXE file once
again and make the permanent CRC change.So we will search for the
original EXPECTED CRC, and
replace it with our new value:
SEARCH FOR: EA C2 EB 9D (it's found at file offset 5EA71)
REPLACE WITH: 05 C4 70 4C (..for example. Your new CRC will probably
And that's it! You've made it! It wasn't hard after all. The current
version of Windows
Commander i 3.03 and can be found in a form of patch at WinCmd's home
This patch won't work on the cracked EXE file, so you'll have to patch
it first and then
crack it. Or you can (which is even better) try to crack the patcher to
accept your new or
any CRC !
(c) iNCuBuS++, 1997. All rights reserved.
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