August 1998: HOLY HOLYDAYS
I'm taking my holydays in August
(I'll read
poetry and novels, collect medusae, sail and swim...
I do not intend to access the web, that's sure)
You may contact +gthorne (he has the keys to my site) for
urgent matters. Please don't write to me unless necessary, my email addresses repositories
will anyway -as usual- explode during August, since I will definitely NOT access them (it's
holydays, comprehendes? :-)
OK, this said, if you write to me anyway, or want to send
some important 'can't wait' stuff, please by all means USE the
rotating addresses that you'll find in due time on
my info.htm page, DO NOT use any of my older email addresses!
Thanks, have a good month (and write some great essays!) see you all on the beach (or back here in
September :-)
fravia+ (who's gonna eat some nice 'branzini' :-)